quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2019


This will be another post in english since the subject is a worldwide problem. Remember that public opinion and the consent of the majority is important for those in power otherwise they lose it! Please always think for yourself, question everything you see in the news, specially when it comes from the powerful and rich mainstream networks! That's not to say that alternative media outlets should not be questioned as well. Do you trust the mainstream media? Before the internet, if you controlled the media you controlled public opinion. Not that they don't control most of it, but at least now we have an alternative to the mainstream narrative. That's what we call the "war of narratives" with manipulations, counter-narratives, hard truths and disinformation on all fronts. The term "fake news" has become a trend and we've written about it before on this blog, besides writing about mind control tactics. The war for public opinion is fundamentally a war for your mind.
Today being September 11th is a good day to talk about it. How many people believe the "official" story told by the government and the mainstream media on the 9-11 terror incident? I sure believed their version back than even though in the back of my mind I felt there was something strange about it. Since the internet started to become popular, we started to have access to new information on the subject and all of a sudden the whole mainstream narrative began to crumble just like the buildings that went down that day. They said it was due to fires that melted the steel and brought the whole structure down. Funny thing that a third building (WTC 7) also went down although no plane hit it. Before you start calling me a "conspiracy theorist" or a lunatic, I ask: have you ever done any research into the subject? Did you know a third building fell that day? How about the supposed plane that hit the Pentagon but there were no plane parts near the destruction site, no signs of wings crashing into the building? Anyway, there are a lot of holes on the official version and a lot of unanswered questions remain!
 Either this episode or maybe something else made you wake up to an unpleasent truth: that there are more darker things happening behind the scenes in our world. Once you discover that the mainstream media lies and spreads fake news, their whole credibility goes down the sink and a whole new perception of the world starts to emerge. Some say it's the moment you take the red pill and start to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, a perfect allegory of the first Matrix film.. 
Recently in the USA and 2 years later in Brasil we had general elections with an unexpected outcome. In both elections the winner were candidates that were hated by the mainstream press and that would surely lose according to the polls conducted by these same outlets. It doesn't matter if you like these guys or not, the point here is to show how intense this battle for the narrative and public opinion has become. Both candidates won (here in Brasil and also in the US) mainly because of people voluntarily working for them on social media since the whole "mainstream" machine was working against them portraying them as evil dictators! In either case, like it or not, it was unprecedented, it was a victory agains the system and against all odds! I'd like to share here what General Flynn stated right after Donald Trump's victory: "we have an army of digital soldiers!"
 It's quite obvious that the mainstream media has lost the power it used to have in shaping public opinion, but now as the focus of the general public has shifted from TV and magazines to the internet, the system is fighting back and big tech companies are pushing hard to censor social media and take the control back! The war for your mind is on!
As stated before, you have to do your own research, question everything, use logical thinking, don't fall for the trap of blind emotions, neither hate nor fear! Everyone is important in the process of liberating this planet from the grip of the dark ones who don't have the best intentions for humanity in mind! They will lie and manipulate to divide people and make us fight each other. It goes beyond the Left vs. Right paradigm! Don't let them tell you who to love and who to hate, always ask yourself what is the hidden agenda behind any story you see in the news. Soon you will start to become good at spoting BS! Research independent thought journalists, citizen journalists who have no hidden agenda but are doing all they can to shine the Light of Truth and expose the lies and manipulations of the ones in power. There are hundreds of people out there doing great work but now they are being heavily censored! My whole point in writing this post today is just to bring some contemplation on the subject, food for thought as they say. I'll leave it at this and to end my post I'd like to quote the great Bob Marley:
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!"

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