This is the english translation to my previous post from august where I explain how my account on facebook was terminated:
We knew that sooner or later this could happen, didn't we? 2 days ago the censorship decided to go after anyone who had an opposing narrative view to the "official" narrative, and in that dance, my personal account was deleted along with my artist page unfortunately! As for my personal account I was a little tires of posting, making sporadic use of this social network, also avoiding getting into controversial topics or debates. The problem is that my artist page had more than 3 thousand likes and followers and several posts of my work as a musician, so it harmed professionally and maybe I should sue them? The most ironic reason was the cause: I was one of the administrators of a group called "The Great Awakening"! First they eliminated the group without any warning and a few hours later they deleted my personal page along with the other two administrators. It was reported that they are chasing the pages they have any relationship with Qanon, and if you want to know more about it, last year I made a post on this blog explaining what Q is.
The mainstream media and "Big Tech" companies claim that the Qanon incites violence and hate
speech which couldn't be further from the truth! It's about uniteing people(Where we go one we go all).
If someone makes a false or biased post, why not fight with facts, with arguments? Censoring only shows a very fascist view, of those who find themselves in possession of the truth and do not accept the contradictory. Just like in George Orwell's "1984", where there was a ministry of truth that sought to censor any dissident voice and placed itself as the only authority to say what is true and what is false.
Anyway, anyone who knows me is aware that I never encouraged hatred or any speech that comes close to that, but at the same time I question everything and do not accept what is imposed by the system's narrative without asking questions and using logical reasoning! So can it be said that I am a threat to a control system that wants to impose a tyrannical way of governing us? If I'm not, why censor me? Why delete my account on this social network arbitrarily and without notice, without notification or justification? Of course, my case is not the only one and there are more active people in the networks who are suffering worse persecution!
Despite the obvious panic of the control system which is nolonger able to deceive with its fraudulent narratives and all the hidden truthssurfacing, I hope that humanity will continue on the path of awakening and notaccepting the injustices and lies that have kept us as mental slaves formillennia! We have the ability to build a fairer world, with more Love andprosperity for everyone, but first all dirt and darkness must be exposed! The Lightis coming strong to the planet, we live in "biblical" times where there is a majorshift in consciousness taking place and they will not be able to stop this!Nothing can stop what is coming - evil and selfish men will have to payfor their mistakes, because no one has theright to impose suffering on another being, much less to usurp his energy and his life! Everyone be warned, don't be on the fence, Divine Justice takes time but it doesn't fail, Victory of the Light is near, and as Q always says: God wins!
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