First I posted these pictures of a protest that occurred all over Brasil this last Sunday May the 26th. An interesting thing about it is that people took to the streets in an orderly and pacific manner to show their support for the reforms proposed by the new government since Congress is doing all can to get in the way and block them. In the last few years there have been strong popular manifestations on the streets and I see this as a sign of a #GreatAwakening. The mainstream media does all it can to downgrade these movements but it isn't working. When I tried to look for pictures of the protests on google a lot of links pop up of mainstream outlets saying that people are using pictures of older protests, but here with the signs on the first picture and the second picture with this lady, a new Brazilian deputy, it's obvious that this is not the case. If you go online and read the mainstream news, you will get a wrong view of what is happening so it is our job as independent writers to publish the truth. Here is one of the few mainstream articles that I saw that didn't distort the truth that much:,manifestantes-pro-bolsonaro-vao-as-ruas-em-todos-os-estados-do-pais,70002844529
Another interesting thing about it is that this same weekend Macron had a huge electoral loss in France and in Italy the same phenomenon happened where mainstream news/outlets who used to shape public opinion are not succeeding in their goal, not having the same effect as they use to! Seems like their hypnotic spells are not working any more?
Funny how mainstream tend to call the opposition not the "right" but always "far right", making them look like extremists while never admitting that they have been totally left leaning? Keep that in mind when I share some links. By the way, how is the Trump presidency going and is the mainstream media freaking out about it? Seems like CNN has been losing a lot of viewers, just like the biggest TV outlet here called Globo, who has been viciously attacking the new president and keeps losing viewers and has financial problems at the moment. Is there any connection to that and the fact that the government has cut advertisement money to them? Are all these outlets failing simply because they are not reporting the truth and now people have other means to get to it? Is the fake news media and the lies being exposed and people are waking up to their manipulations?
Anyway, back to Brasil and back to the year 2018, besides it being election year we had a lot of interesting developments and I'll try to make a brief summary of the most significant ones:
1 - in April 2018 ex-president Lula da Silva went to jail on corruption charges -
2 - during the election campaign the candidate leading the polls for president suffered an attempt on his life:- was stabbed with a knife to his stomach -
3 - Jair Bolsonaro survived, was not able to go out on campaign but still won the elections for president with a huge majority of votes. Note how it was published on many mainstream outlets:
There are a lot of things in common with Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump - first of all they are both shown in the mainstream news as racist, homophobic, nazis or fascist, "far" right, etc, but both have a huge popular following nonetheless. They both are "outsiders" of the old political guard. People in the "left" hate both of them, as does the mainstream media. I find it funny when independent analysts talk about the "Trump derange syndrome" where people simply have an irrational reaction to everything that president does, be it good or bad. The same thing happens here with the Brazilian president, who sometimes helps fuel this with provocative and polemic statements or tweeter posts. Nonetheless they tend to be more sincere speaking the language of the average people as opposed to that old political correctness which goes hand in hand with hypocrisy and lies.
I could list here positive things the president has done since his government began, fulfilling campaign promises and trying to reduce the financial loss left by the previous governments, but for now I prefer no to so people can draw their own conclusions and question what they read in the news.One thing for sure - democracy is being respected and there is no dictatorship being installed, as many "doom and gloom" analysts predicted! (or should we call them terrorists trying to spread fear?) Although the president is called out by various names and adjectives, no one has accused him ever of being corrupt. That is a big thing since the biggest cancer in the administration of this country has always been corruption and impunity, the last one the main reason why the thieves strive. We have a corrupt congress not wanting to vote and aprove (fighting back as they can) the "Pacote Anti-crime" (anti-crime reforms)of the new ministry of justice Sergio Moro, who used to be the federal judge behind most of the arrest in the car-wash operation (operação Lava-jato) and is considered by many as a national hero.

Here it's important to note that Michel Temer, who was vice-president to Dilma (Lula's successor) and became president after she was impeached, has also gone to jail on corruption charges:
When Dilma was impeached a lot of people on the left called it a coup and accused Temer of conspiracy, but they didn't seem to celebrate when he went to jail, since it didn't help their narrative that Lula and Dilma are innocent and victims of political machinations instead of admitting that finally real justice is happening in this country and powerful people are finally facing charges!
We have mentioned what is going on between the Executive and Legislative branches of government, but maybe the biggest problem we face is in regards to our Judiciary, mostly our Supreme court, the STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal). Here we have a court filled with minsters who were never judge, some even used to be lawyers for the main political parties, were appointed by politicians and were never voted by the population to represent them or never made it there through their own merit. If you see them with all their arrogance and dark capes, it instantly reminds you of members of the dark side of the Force in the Star Wars fiction saga!
The whole Brazilian population has an unanimous opinion that they were only put there to defend the criminal politicians. Criminal cases against politicians tend to be kept away til they expire legally, and when some powerful people do go to jail, they are rapidly set free by one of these ministers, specially Gilmar Mendes - probably the most hated one and who doesn't care at all for the public opinion (besides being a suspect himself of illicit enrichment). Other ministers have also been cited in criminal investigations, but they seem to be imune to all of this, since only the Senate is able to do something about it but won't since a lot of senators have criminal investigations on their back as well. There are some senators trying to push for legal actions or even impeachment of some ministers, but they don't seem to have the upper hand. A lot could be said here about them and how they are a big barrier for justice in this country, but if you search online you will find a lot on it. I could write just a huge post on all their wrong doings, but I'll rather not waste my time with it because they make me sick!
Anyway, with all that said, you can see why so many people took to the streets last Sunday! People made it clear that they were going to the streets not in favor of president Bolsonoro but in favor of Brasil. We do have a hard struggle ahead since the whole corrupt political system is fighting back to survive! It is very hard to drain this swamp! There is also the problem of people who hate the president so much that they would rather see him fail taking the country along with him, than to realize we are all in the same ship together! If the country goes down we all go down with it! At the same time there is hope, we see signs everywhere of people awakening and not falling into the manipulations of the system and the mainstream news which they control. There is a lot to be done but if we look back some incredible things have happened already! If we took a time machine 5 years back and told people what was happening now, most wouldn't believe!
If we look at the bigger picture and understand what is happening all around the world, that there is a Great Awakening happening all over, a shift in consciousness, there is reason to be optimistic! Nothing comes easy, no one is going to come and save us if we don't do our part, take to the streets, wake as many people as possible, spread the Truth and so on! At least that's the reason why I write on this blog, even if I don't get it right all the time, I do my best and have good intentions! Have a great awakening and enjoy the show, Peace!
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